Digital organization shouldn’t be hard.
Just like our homes can get cluttered, our devices (computers, laptops, tablets, phones) can accumulate photos, files, contacts, emails, music, apps and so much more.
The number of passwords we rely on for everyday living is also increasing. We now have passwords for financial accounts, medical records, utility bills, streaming services, airlines and hotels, food delivery services, social media channels and more.

No more storage
Receiving frequent notifications that you're running out of storage? Let's work together to put those days behind you.

An overwhelming inbox
Have so many emails it's practically suffocating? Let's take back your inbox.

Too many to-do lists
Have a to-do list in the car, another in the kitchen and one by your bed? I can help you have one list that the household care share.

Can't find files
Wasting time + energy on locating electronic files? We can figure this out once and for all.
Organizing your digital LIFE comes down to three simple stepS
what: identifying what your goal(s) is/are
whY: understanding the why behind challenges and/or frustrations
hOW: identifying how to best leverage technology for you
Because our lives have become increasingly more digital, wrangling all the "digital stuff" — like our devices, passwords and data — has become work. And sometimes it's so overwhelming we choose to ignore it. It requires both intentional and purposeful action along with knowing yourself and your personality.
I help you wrangle your devices and everyday digital life – and help you stay that way!
want a free copy of my ebook?
Learn 5 simple tips + tricks to make better use of your iPhone!
it even includes links to step-by-step YouTube videos